Monday, November 17, 2008

Mini Muffin Tin Advent Calendar

I have been so CRAZY busy the past couple weeks. Working on new albums, alterations for Dance Unlimited, helping with the book fair and in my kids classes, trying to keep up with feeding my kids, keeping some clean laundry in the house, and the house livable, which is quite different from clean....

Ah! I love being busy. The key is maintaining some kind of balance. Here's how I 'm doing it. No matter what, Friday evening at 6:00 the babysitter comes over and I go do something special with my husband. Int he past, my husband and I have been pretty lousy with the whole continuing to date after marriage concept, but the past few weeks it's been so necessary. With as busy as everything is right now it would be too easy to go the next couple months without having a real conversation with the love of my life. That's just not right, and would make me so sad.

Secondly, my Sundays are sacred. Sundays are the day that my family and I choose to worship the Lord. We prefer to follow the direction in the Bible to keep the Sabbath day holy. Sometimes when I'm really busy, and stressed about meeting deadlines it becomes very tempting to spend the evening working on my album kits, and things of that nature, but I do my best to refrain. I'm not perfect at it, but I try really hard.

On Sundays, after I put my kids to bed, I usually do a bit of personal crafting. Tonight I started a Mini Muffin Tin Advent Calendar. My friend Kristi Miller has been selling the cutest Advent Calendars on Etsy. I was looking at hers the other day and I thought how cute it would be to make one with little paper piecings that looked like cookies and holiday treats on a cookie sheet.

I pulled out my Mrs. Fields Best Ever Cookie Book and started looking for pictures. The treats I made tonight, are not finished, htey still need all the little details, and shading etc... but I'm really excited about how it's coming together so far.

Fun, huh?

Maybe I'll get them finished next Sunday.

For those of you anxiously waiting my next album kit, I hope to have one posted before Friday. Things should start moving much more quickly... at least they better, or I won't have time to get them all finished!


  1. Hey Sweetie, just saw on FB that you were updating and thought I'd come check you out. Life is crazy this time of year huh! Busy here too... I miss you, sorry we haven't been on to chat much. I am working on it, I promise. I found a mouse in my house last night... EEEWWW!!! Like I didn't already have enough to do I spent the day cleaning and vaccuming behind fridges and furniture. I have the feeling he must have been some little random stranger that wandered in when someone left a door open cos I can't find evidence of a mouse anywhere, and believe me I tore my house apart today. Anyway, your date night sounds great. I need to find a babysitter!!!

  2. So cute Camille! What a great twist to the calendar. Can't wait to see it finished. Thanks for the little plug on my adventures and thrilled that I could inspire you on another great project.

  3. Your project is so cute!! I can't wait to see the your next album kit : )

  4. Are those Kiwi's dipped in chocolate?!? My mouth is watering! I love this idea...I was just looking at all of Kristi's advent calendars on etsy this's a great idea. I think it's awesome that you have a set time and day every week - something for us to think about.

  5. such cute stuff, so talented (and that's saying alot coming from the mouth/hands of the "Craftfair Queen of Hawaii" ha.
    and keep up the Friday nite date night, that's awesome, I don't even know what that is its been so long since we've done anything like that (for what? three years now? since Gavin was born?)

  6. so cute!!! I love how creative you are!
