Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Next time.. I read the rules first!

Grrr.... I have been working for weeks in my spare time to complete a box album set for the Maya Road "Home for the Holiday's" contest. I have never entered a contest so I was pretty excited. anyway, I'm finishing up and decide to read over the rules and make sure I didn't miss anything.

"Make sure you submit your entry by 11:59pm CST on November 10th, 2008. We will not be able to accept any entries after that time."

The 10th was yesterday.

How annoying is that?

Here's my finished project. You can see more pictures by visting my gallery listing here on Two Peas in a bucket. Don't forget to vote!

The camel looks a little sloppy and clumpy here, but he's really not. Keep in mind the camel is only 1 3/4 inches tall. The mini album inside has the biblical story of the birth of Jesus Christ as told in the book of Luke.

I will not be kitting this album.


  1. This is really beautiful! Yes, it is annoying especially after you've devoted so much time and effort. But think of it this way, now you have a project that you've completed!! : )

  2. I'm sorry about the whole rules issue! It's a beautiful album as is all your work!!! xox

  3. oh sad! It's so cute! by the way...who are you going to go see twilight with?

  4. That's too bad about the contest entry date. Beautiful project though.

  5. wow. that bites. can you enter it next year, or in another contest?
