Friday, December 5, 2008

Getting behind

By now, I should have my last two albums cut and I should be well into designing the first one.

Instead, Yesterday, I picked up Noah early from school with the stomach flu.

He was over it about midnight last night.

Then Aaron crawled into our bed, he said he didn't feel good.

Then Jennica crawled into our bed complaining she didn't feel good.

Neither of them got sick last night, but every little movement had me awake reaching for a bowl.

Just in case, we kept Jennica and Noah home from school.

I am so exhausted. I don't think I will be getting albums cut today. Hopefully no one else will get sick and I can get back on track this weekend.

But for today, a nap is definitely in order.

On a totally exciting side note, check out this Scrapstreet Ezine article about my 2008 Santa's Workshop Album kit!


  1. So many people are starting to get sick. Yuck! I hope it misses you.

  2. Yuck! Sick kids are the WORST! Especially when they keep you up all night! I hope they get better quickly!!! On a side note, I went to look at that article and your kit is by FAR the best thing on there! Great job!

  3. oh man!! i'm sorry. nothing worse then a sick kid (but three! dang!)
    hope everyone gets well soon so you can get back to work!

  4. I'm so sorry the kiddies are not doing well. I will send up a prayer for them. I hope you can stay healthy girl!!!! Sending you happy, healthy vibes your way.
