Monday, December 8, 2008

What day was that again?

I have lost my calendar... You know the place you write down EVERYTHING important. Mine is a regular wall calendar that I keep on my desk folded open to the correct month. It have everything I need to remember in it.

It has disappeared. I know I have Aaron's speech therapy appointment this morning, and the Christmas Sweater concert tonight.... but other than that.... I think I can remember when Christmas is...

I hope my calendar turns up.


  1. Oh my goodness!!! I don't know what I would do if I lost my calendar. I would overbook (which I do now) miss out on appointments (which I HAVE DONE) forget about major important commitments (That I have NOT DONE YET..but there is always a I have a central calendar and it keeps me grounded with business, family, church, extended family and is ground zero in our home..whoever puts it on the calendar first...get's first dibs on that date. It really keeps me grounded. I hope you find yours soon.

  2. I wish I had a calander.. I actually am pretty gppd at keeping it in my head.:) But not perfect :0 I was hoping to talk to you.. I wish that December wasn't so busy... I could use a girls night:) Talk to you later

  3. what a disaster! I would be stressed!

  4. did you find it yet? (its Thursday, btw).

  5. I did find it! In the most unusual place. The top of my dresser. der.
