Thursday, January 29, 2009


This morning I posted on my blog about how I like to check the blog feed to see what kind of search terms people are using that happen to pull up my blog. There was one yesterday that was pretty unusual and funny, so I had posted about it this morning. When I posted about it, I had copied and pasted the searched text straight onto my blog post, and didn't realize it had turned into a search link. The words and phrases were innocent enough and I posted it before checking what other search results might have been returned.

Luckily, within a couple hours a friends of mine commented on the search results, and when I check the results, I was pretty disgusted. Those innocent words when lumped together in one search returned some pretty lewd and offensive text.

If you happened across my blog and checked out the search terms, I apologize. I deleted the post as soon as it was brought to my attention, but I noticed several people had already read the post and followed the link. I will certainly be checking a little better before posting search results again...


  1. Great... that's what I was worried about.

  2. Just so you know, I did follow the link and saw the list of search results. But I just looked at the first one (yours) and glanced SO briefly at the next 2 or 3 that I didn't notice anything lewd. So, thank goodness, my mind is still unsullied. ;)

  3. bother... I missed it!

  4. Love your blog and your albums. They are darling!
