Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tomorrow ... an Ottoman

Okay, so I promised Andy an Ottoman for Christmas this year and then with all the acrylic album kits I never got around to making it for him... I did tell him he probably would not get it on Christmas morning, but in all honesty, I could have made it already... I've just been stalling because it's so dang cold and I don't want to be out there...in the garage... in the cold. Yes, even with the garage space heater turned on.

Tomorrow though, I am going to bite the bullet and get started. I drew out a pretty basic sketch, and I don't have measurements or anything yet, but it's going to be great.

The best part? When we moved into our house, almost every night, I couldn't help but checking the garbage piles at the houses still under construction for usable lumber... I build a work bench, a de-lux cat condo (that the stupid cat doesn't use), A raised platform for Andy's truck bed (Okay he built that) and numerous other things, and still have a hearty supply. So I'm pretty sure I can build the entire thing, and upholster it for about $20.

I'm so excited, I'm giddy.

I'll try to remember to take pics and update my blog as I work.


  1. I love how you draw it all out before hand and that you are so thrifty. You just have to be and why not. Can't wait to see it.

  2. Oh my multi-talented! I want to be like you!

  3. Awesome Camille! I've gotta re-upholster my living room furniture...I'm definitely gonna need some advice! I can't wait to see the ottoman.

  4. Ooooh, I can't wait to see the finished product! Say...did you ever paint that cabinet that is sitting in your garage? (You know, the one that looks like mine in the kitchen...) :-)

  5. your awesome, i loved your coat you made and wore last night- you are very talented. amber
