Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Our FHE Picnic

On Monday we had beautiful weather so we packed a picnic and went to the park. Our favorite park is just a couple blocks away, so we packed up the cooler with home made fried chicken, grapes, chips, and sodas and walked over.

Andy and I decided to throw the football, and it very quickly became a game of "Fight Noah for the ball."
He's a pretty tough kid, and I hate to say it, but we're getting more evenly matched every day.
It won't be long before he can best me physically and in height.

Not only that, but he talks smack, in the most loving way, to his mother. Always telling me things like...

"...You're crappy at catching the ball.."

"oh... NICE throw...pffft"

"I can beat you any day..."

It's okay. I tackle him to the ground and tickle him till he takes it back.


  1. I think those are the best days, that's what I think of when I think of the perfect family afternoon . . . being outside playing and eating together on a beautiful, sunny day!

  2. What a fun FHE. You had KG wanting fried chicken that night!

  3. Next time I'll make more chicken if you guys will meet us at the park. :)

  4. It was actually very fun watching them fight eachother for the ball each time I threw it. Noah started out trying to get the ball from me, but I'm a little more athletic than his mom is and was able to easily take every throw Camille made. So he went and started contesting his mom for my throws. Jennica has a better arm than we thought too.
