Friday, April 10, 2009


So, I really have no idea what day spring actually started. Have you seen my calendar?

This is what my little Aaron does to my calendar. Every year. I don't know why. Maybe it has something to do with the dotted lines on the coupons at the bottom of each page, but he goes crazy with the scissors.

I am, however, getting hopeful. Not hopeful enough to actually plant a garden, because I have learned from experience, that it's one surefire way to get freezing temperatures to return.

Hopeful enough to remove the snowing feature from my blog. See, no more snow.

Now... If we could just get those numbers up into the 70's or 80's...


  1. Pretty funny! I too removed the snow about a couple of weeks ago. I just want this weather to go away. You can plant peas, broccoli, cauliflower right now. I planted my peas on Wednesday. You can also transplant raspberry and similar plants. The perfect time to do it is now. We also did some this last week. I am so sick of the gray skies.

  2. gosh i don't know what weather report YOURE looking at, but I see plenty of 80's on mine.....

  3. 80's!?!?! Please not yet! How about 65-70 for a few weeks first...don't sweat me out yet! Good luck with your garden - I don't even know where to start.

  4. I don't mind the cold. It's the wind and the cold together that I hate. Reminds me of living in Rexburg. Brrr.
