Monday, October 19, 2009

Goodbye anonymous comments...

Goodbye meanies..

I've been getting a few anonymous comments from people who clearly think they know more about what's going on in my heart, in my mind, and in my soul than even I do. YOU ARE RUDE. I DON'T LIKE YOU. LEAVE ME ALONE.

No, I do not post the comments, so don't bother looking for them.

If you want to post something hurtful for me to read you are going to have to own it.

No more anonymous comments.

Have a happy day.


  1. Gosh! Mean people really suck, little friend.

    Fortunately your life is filling up fast with so many good friends. No time left for the meanies. :)

  2. Not me, I promise. When I say something mean I own it. But you already know that. :)

  3. That is just mean and not nice. Hiding behind anonymous is so low.
