Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What matters.

Sunday I took my Jennica and Aaron for a walk. Noah has been sick with a fever. I missed having him there so much. The day was so beautiful.

I am so surprised any pictures of me came out.. my kids have not mastered the "push the button down slow so the camera can focus before it clicks" technique yet..

This next one cracks me up! Jennica says take my picture, so I do and she says, "Wait I'm not ready yet!"
NOW I'm ready.

I know I still owe you a Brave Girls post... hopefully later this afternoon.



  1. You are such a beauty! Your kids are SO cute too!! Here's to doing amazing things - love you!

  2. THIS is what matters....YOU are a wonderful mother...your children look so happy and you look so happy and your heart is in the right place....nothing matters more than family........I am very very proud of you for all that you are doing to keep your family together. xoxox

  3. THIS is what matters....YOU are a wonderful mother...your children look so happy and you look so happy and your heart is in the right place....nothing matters more than family........I am very very proud of you for all that you are doing to keep your family together. xoxox

  4. Great pictures of you and the kids. I hope Noah feels better soon.

  5. What a great bundle of pictures of you and your lovely kids.
    - and sorry to hear about the MEAN people that bothers you with mean comments.
    Hugs from Denmark

  6. Wonderful pics. Love the smiles on all the faces!!!

  7. Cute kiddos Camille!! This looks like my BFF's neighborhood - do you live in Lochsa Falls? Glad you enjoyed your beautiful Sunday walk!!
