Sunday, January 23, 2011

Rendi Style Rocks On. Phenom Leaders Conference:::

It's no secret I'm a big fan of RENDI....  and now it's even worse...  yes this means you're going to have to put up with more RENDI posts. 

And yes, I expect you to love it too.

Earlier this month I was invited to attend the RENDI Inaugural Leadership Retreat.  I was kind of worried about lots of things... 

Would the company stack up to the image I had in my mind?
Would the other leaders and I have anything in common?
Would we enjoy spending the week together?
Would they like me?

This about sums it up:


Seriously so amazed.  Mark and Annie Danielson are exceptional people.  I am so impressed with not just the values hold, but how they exemplify their values. 

I'm not sure I've ever seen integrity in action quite so vividly.

I could go on and on with the stories about their life, decisions they have made and actions they have taken.

Salt of the Earth, and all that good stuff.

::On to the retreat:: 

The RENDI/Danielson Designs plant was amazing. 

Fabulously decorated. (ummm...  I kind of forgot to take pictures of the beautiful lobby and offices...  so you'll have to take my word for it)
AMAZING STAFF (Seriously, how did they find so many high caliber people in such a small town?
State of the art manufacturing and production equipment.

In this next picture, can you see the top of the door?

This is the secret RENDI room.
No one outside the inner circle is allowed into the room.  Due to the prorietary nature of the RENDI manufacture process (which makes customized products possible at import prices) very few people have been into this room. 

This was seriously as close as we were allowed to get.

The plant is organized, clean, and very well managed.

Rows and rows of Danielson Design Product....  You don't see organized shelves of RENDI product because well.....  It's custom made to order, and then is shipped straight out.

 Then we visited the design studio....  OH YUM, and I'm not just talking about the::: and I quote::: "Office Eye Candy"
(No real photo of office eye candy, sorry. )

There were so many new products in production, idea boards, color pallets, digital editing, photography....  Oh my.   I took a TON of pictures, but I don't know what's going to make it to the product line...  so I'm being very careful, and not sharing.

Here is the amazing leadership team + Lorene Bohn + Annie Danielson.

We also had the AMAZING treat of spending an afternoon (which we finagled into an additional late night session) at Annie's house, in her personal studio making fantastic art.  Considering the mess we made, I'm absolutely certain it was a ONCE in a lifetime opportunity.

 I am in love with this floor....  LOVE.  I want to do this on the hardwood in my entry. 

Oh by the way....  Mark Danielson, is an amazing carpenter and made the majority of furniture in their house. 

(I tried to smuggle the turquoise desk out of the house, but I couldn't fit it under my coat.  DANG IT.)

The Danielsons are beautiful people.  Annie is coming to Brave Girls Camp in February and I am SOOO excited to turn her into a Mod Podge addict.  (It's going to happen...) 

Have I mentioned the awesome Leadership team... Let me introduce you:

 Lisa Kaste, Lisa Wilber, Mary Lueth, Lorene Bohn, and Me. 
(missing: Kathy Topping, who was looking for some extra attention or something so she broke her leg right before the retreat.  Kidding Kathy!  I love you!! Get better.. xoxo)

::With the amazing Rendi Customer Support team:  Rene, Linda, and Adelie::

The view...  yeah I know.  Makes me want to move to Colorado.

We spent a day at The Retreat.  Gorgeous architecture, more amazing furniture, warm, light, cozy...  wonderfulness.

 On our last night there we went for a walk. 

This is Mr. Micheal Butcher.  He had some big, unexpected, medical problems right before the retreat and joined us hours after being released from the hospital. 
That's dedication for you.

Wish he could have been with us for the whole retreat; he's a blast.

What I liked the best?  We as leaders were able to opening discuss what was really going well and what we struggled with.  Everyone was so receptive to our feedback, and determined to do all they could to help us be successful.   We layed it out, and they've taken our comments and worked up solutions.  They really listened. 

Expect to see some enhancements, and improvements to all parts of RENDI.

I am so excited.

Revved about where this is all going. 

Want to check out RENDI?



  1. Looks like a great trip Cam! Can't wait to see you in February at Brave Girls!

  2. Are you serious Lisa?? I'm soooo excited to see you again. xoxo

  3. Hi Camille, I found you on the Rendi FB page. I am on Mary Lueth's team. This was a great post and thanks for sharing.
