Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Giving away the farm... the Rendi farm!


Okay, seriously.. I loved Rendi before.. and now they've blown me away with improvements... 

Seriously, how do you improve GREAT?

Here's how... 

Drop the prices 11-20% across the board!

Introduce an amazing new product line....  Okay so the product line hasn't been released..  I don't even know the name of it yet, but I've seen sneak peaks and it's freaking awesome.  Seriously.  Gorgeous. 

Courtesy Annie Danielson's blog, here's a sneak peek at the style and colors with this inspiration piece:

So here's the deal:

I'm giving awayGIVING AWAY a $24.95 Rendi item from the new line.

No strings.
You do not have to give me our account number.
I do not even live in the Ukraine.
And no, I am not your long lost relative from England leaving you a Rendi piece and all you have to do it deposit $20,000 into my bank account so I can establish the connect to send you your inheritance.

Sweet deal, huh?

Here's how you play:

1 entry for leaving a comment here.
1 entry for liking this blog.
2 entries just for registering an account at (It's FAST, It's EASY, No purchase is necessary and besides, if you win, you will need an account anyway...)

That's it!  Four steps to five entries.

Entries close on February 9th, at 12:00 midnight MST.

Keep an eye on Annies blog...  you'll see the new line there first.  :)

Good luck!


OH yeah!!  One more thing.  The product will only be shipped to a USA address. 


  1. I am already a follower of your amazing creations, and I can't wait to lay eyes on the new collection! I will be anxiously waiting!

  2. Okay so I'm not trying to win a prize... but oh my freaking heck I am so in love with that whole desk/hutch thing in the photo. I am totally after one of those!!! Side note, love you to bits, miss you like crazy and seeing I survived a cyclone and all this week, I promise to blog and tell you about it in the next day or two. Love you millions xox

  3. im a new follower

  4. I am a new follower nice blog! suelee1998 @

  5. I follow annies blog too suelee1998 @

  6. love love LOVE your blog!

  7. I'm a follower of your blog.
    I am now a follower of Annie's blog.

    Would love to win a Rendi goodie!!!
