Wednesday, June 15, 2011

For Business or Pleasure?


I'm sure after a while business travel could get old...  but not yet.

I love it!  I love to travel, try new things,  explore new places; so what could be better than combining it with work?  

I don't have to take time off.
I'm getting paid.
My expenses are covered.
And it's good for my company, and my career.

Jen and I recent to Washington recently.  Met some really great railroaders and clients.

Picked up some new colorful language.

Meet Mike Curtis and his lovely wife Pam. We had planned on having dinner with them, and ended up hanging out with them for 12 great hours.

"Soup Sandwich"
"Do you smell that?  BONES and FLESH.." 

The view from Mike and Pam's back yard.

Then we met a couple of Jims.
One Jim's a client,
One Jim's with Railex.

Then Nashville!  
I - L-O-V-E - Nashville.

Mostly because it's hot and humid and everyone wears cowboy boots.

It's also the home of one of my favorite clients...  

And a some of my favorite Engineers and Conductors..

And so...  Let the travel continue!  

Because Railroaders Care.

((I think we need to start making more ads like this.))

xoxo Cam

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