Tuesday, June 7, 2011


My Bestie is Australian and has the most wonderful accent, however, she keeps telling me that I'm the one with the accent, but for reals... it's her. 

Ummm... until I try to use the Voice Search app on my phone to create a to do list while I'm driving. 

Now I have absolutely no idea what I need to do....

Set it free glitter in backyard repair chore chart for children repair homework assignment review meal are you brave girl email buy dog food you wardrobe dry cleaning check address is on all the nations in nashville email perry detox regarding music city record of nashville contact telephone number email addresses review assignment to take to nashville you trace r kmart highlineeport with shan organize all hotel airline and car rental paperworka review market time line

I think my favorite is: "email perry detox regarding music city record of nashville"  

Hmmm...  I already knew this was a problem, which is why I tried to pronounciate...

Alrighty, I gotta go set the glitter free in my back yard.

Until next time....

xoxo Cam


  1. That's pretty funny! Good luck trying to figure out what you need to do.

  2. I freaking love this!!! I told you that it's you who talks weird!

  3. I despise voice recognition programs...never work for me.
