Wednesday, August 24, 2011

UPDATE: My Politically Incorrect Rant About Feeling Fluffy

This summer I set a few goals...  See the original post here.

1. 50 "mens" push-ups in a single set.
2. Ten Chin-ups
3. get back to running 5k a day.

And do it all before the end of the summer.  Summer official ends on September 23rd at 5:04am...  That means I'm running out of time. 

This is all about accountability:

1. I can currently do 25 mens push-ups...  With 30 days to go I'm pushing my luck at only 50%
2. SEVEN!!  Woohoo!  70% to goal 
3.  Um...  I have no idea becuase I haven't been out running even once since my original post.  I had better get it in gear.  I'm running the Women's Fitness Celebration..

Anyone want to run it with me?

Wish me luck... Pretty sure I'll need it.


1 comment:

  1. If anyone can do it...YOU can Cam! I'm so impressed with your 50% and 70% already! You're amazing!
