Happy Easter!
Easter was such a fun day. We started with the kids waking us up, asking if they could eat the goodies from their Easter baskets. They were all being so well behaved, I wasn't quit sure where they came from and what they had done with my real children.
After that, we did our traditional jelly bean hunt inside the house. Every year the Easter bunny hides jelly beans all over the living room, and the kids have to find them all.
After that was finished up (I think it took all of 5 minutes,) we started working on breakfast.
Pancakes with slices strawberries and banannas, sausage, applesauce and juice. Yum! It was so good. During breakfast, Noah suddently looks at the applesauce and reads the container, exclaiming to us, "Applesauce is a fat free food!" Woohoo!
Then we got ready for church services. The kids looked so good in their new Easter clothes, which my mother in law picked out and sent. I think she did an awesome job! The kids looked awesome, and Noah was SOOOOOOOOO excited about his new blazer, with all the pockets, just like dads.
During this whole time Jennica started to complain about her tummy. She hadn't eaten any of her Easter candy, so knew she really wasn't feeling good.

We took some pictures inside the house and then went outside and took some together. The one picture with

me in it really didn't turn out very well. I know you're all sad, but you'll have to live without it.
We went to church together, but Jennica still wasn't feeling very well so after sacrament service I took her home and had her rest in bed.
She started to feel better, so when church was finished we went back and picked up Andy and the boys and drove over to my parents house for dinner.
We took some more pictures when we got there, but Jennica had already changed

out of her dress, and told me her hair hurt her head, so next to the boys all dressed up she looks a bit like a rag-a-muffin.
We also took some pictures of my nieces, Sariah and Emily. Sariah just turned 12, Happy Birthday! Isn't she turning into a lovely young women?
After dinner we took the kids outside for an easter egg hunt. My nephew, Ethan, was a madman on a mission. He collected so many eggs it was funny, but then he lovingly shared his abundance with the other children.
Later we put Sariah in charge of all the kids and my mom presented a power point presentation she had helped create for President Walker on Family History work. It was really beautiful and had so much important information. I left with a much better understanding of the importance of this great work. The presentation will be shown at a regional family history conference coming up soon.
Even though it was overcast and a bit on the cold side all day, it was a lovely Easter. I just love to be with family and spend time together. My kids are begining to understand the meaning of Easter and the sacrafice the Savior made for us.
I am so grateful for my children and my family. I am so grateful that through the atonement of our Savior we can be forgiven of our sins and return and live with him again. Easter is one of my favorite
