So here is how I look now. I'm at 18.5weeks. To be perfectly honest, there is quite a bit of fat there. This is the most weight I've put on this early in pregnancy. It was really hard to control. My moring sickness was so bad, that if it remotely sounded good I ate it. Unfortunately one thing that always sounded good were those hostess pudding pie things... Oh yum! And Budget Gourmet Salsbury Steak "dinners." I use the term dinner lightly because it's really more of a snack. Oh well. It's the last baby! That also means it's the last time I'll have to loose all the post baby weight gain.
In the pictures I am wearing my post pregnancy size 12 jeans, and I can actually button them all the way up and they are quite comfortable. That's a bit depressing then I consider after the baby is born it will take me a month or two just to get back into them. Oh well, It's all about the baby, right?
I did feel the baby move for the first time last Saturday, the 15th. I haven't felt it since, so now I'm doubting if it really was the baby I felt or not.

Here's my EXCITING news. Today, at 2:30 I have my ultrasound! Woohoo! That means we'll find out what we're having, and get to start picking names. I'm kind of hoping for a girl so wish me luck!
You look so cute Cam! Can't wait to hear what you are having...I just went shopping this morning for the boys "coming home" outfits. That's one of my favorite things...Good luck on getting your girl! Are you SURE this is your last one?? ;-)
You are so cute! You look great! I can not wait to find out what you are having. I will be checking here all afternoon now.
You are so darn cute!!! Looks like a boy to me though sweetie :P
oh cami, you look awesome...but i know how you feel...no matter how many people say you look awesome...inside you are thinking shut-up! but anyways...make sure you let us know what youre having asap!
You look really cute, and from my perspective not fat at all! It amazes me that you could gain any weight at all since you were so sick! You look great though :o) Can't wait to see more pictures!
You look great! You can't really tell you're pregnant from the front, you still got the hour glass figure...
You look totally cute, Cam! I love how high you carry. It gives you a perky posture.
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