I guess this means I'll be able to sell all those cute little girl clothes I've been hanging onto from Jennica. Maybe I'll make enough to buy my new favorite stroller... An Orbit Infant System. They retail in the $900 range, but I might be able to get a wholesale deal on a demo model... I hope so. I want one.
Now for baby names. We're thinking we kind of have to name the baby Vincent.. Let me explain why.
I guess it was about a year ago, Andy and I were at the temple doing sealings. For those of you not of our faith, sealings are a sacred ordinance performed in our temples, that we believe gives families the opportunity to be together after this life. Anyway, it's a very quiet and spiritual experience to be involved it. The typical session lasts for a couple hours, and except for the persons performing the ordination the rest of the room is very quiet. During this particular time Andy and I were observing and Andy heard a distinct voice say to him, "Vincent wants to know when he's going to be born." Up until this time, Andy still wasn't completely convinced we should have another child at all, as we both would have kind of enjoyed being finished. Vincent is a family name, as almost all of my fathers ancestors come from a little town in Italy called San Nicola, La Strada, located near Naples.
Now we knew we were going to have another baby, and apparently we were suppose to name it Vincent. Honestly, I'm not crazy about the name. Maybe it's a good middle name. If it was a girl, I would have had to name her Vincenza. Vincenza McClelland... Poor child wouldn't have had a chance.
I suppose I'm glad it's a boy. This is definately the last baby, and if it had been a girl I would have felt guilty about not trying one more time after this one for little Vincent.
Oh yeah, everything else looks great for the little baby, all is normal and healthy looking. My boy is also a huge wiggler.
Congrats Cam - and I really, really like Vincent! Thanks for sharing that story...it's a really special one. Glad to hear he is healthy and strong!
I just looked up that car seat/stroller system...WOW! I wonder if they've made it double yet??! I so hope you can get it so I can come check it out. You'll be the coolest mom on the block!
That's fantastic--three little boy cousins! When you said you had to name it Vincent, I thought you would have some story about Van Gough! BTW, the town in Italy is San Nicola la Strada, which means in English "St. Nicholas the Street". And yes, we met lots of Vincenzo's when we were there!
Thanks Mom, I didn't think I had the city right... But I like to pretend I know what I'm talking about! : )
Cam, that is an awesome story! I always wanted a cool story behind my name, but no, my mom just liked it. He will have a great story to tell later in life! Congrats!
The name Vincent is great! Love the story that went along with it. Can't wait to see his pictures. Looks handsome already! :)
I love the name Vincent! By brother has a friend by that name and that is the only one that I know. Great story! He was ment to be.
Congratulations, glad to hear little Vincent is healthy and active.
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