I know I've posted about my FAV new diaper bags before, but I gotta do it again. I have permission to give out a special 10% discount code! Just type in "blog" at check out. How cool is that? You can all thank me later.... http://shop.rowdyproducts.com/main.sc
I do feel the need to brag a bit. One reason I am so in love with these bags is because my AMAZING Sis in law is the head designer. She's so talented!
So here's my next dilema, which one should I order. Here's my faves:

The Green Rocker
and the Red Croc Bowler.
Oooh, I love those! I think I'm going to have to go check out their website! Even though I have 3 year olds, we still have to bring the diaper bag to church ....mostly it's full of books and snacks, but our old bag is falling apart! Anyway, I think the first or second bag would be the most versatile, even though I love the look of all three! Let us know which one you decide on!
I think that I personally love the Red Croc just because it looks like it could be so useful after the baby days as an everyday fashionable bag.
I could be a mini spokesperson for the Changing pad. I LOVE mine. That thing goes everywhere with us. Gunnar is at the stage that all that he needs is diapers and wipes and that is about it. Perfect, compact and cute at the same time.
cami, i love the bags! my sis is having a baby in a few weeks, I might have to go snag her one!!!!
I'd go with the red one, do they have different colors? It can double as a handbag.
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