So I know I'm due to post more pictures, but I'm beginning to regrete posting them here. I just feel so big already, and I know I still have a long way to go. It's not just my expanding bump, but I'm one of those people who tend to put on a lot of weight in pregnant... weight unrelated to the actual baby. I'm getting pretty self-conscience of my body image.

This is a picture of my sister, my mom, and me. --And just a FYI- I'm standing on the uphill... It's a bit old, I think it was taken in Sept 06. My sister is also pregnant right now. She's beautiful. She's tall and has always been thin. When we're not pregnant, I don't think we're that far off in body weight. I mean she's always had a smaller waist than me, and I tend to carry more muscle, but she's also several inches taller than me. Anyway, she's 6 weeks away from delivery... I'm about 18 weeks away from delivery.
I weigh more than her. I don't begrudge her, I just wish I carried more like her.

oh, Cam...I saw you in person recently and I think you look like a beautiful pregnant shouldn't worry so much! I think you look great!
Cam, I can totally relate to how you feel! I know it's hard to feel beautiful, especially when you have someone to compare yourself too...heaven's, my sister in law is 5'10" , a body like a twig, has no fat on her whatsoever, and when she's pregnant she totally looks like a model! You look great though, so please don't worry! You are a cute pregnant mommy :o)
I too saw you in person 1 week ago and you look great! You are gorgeous! Just think, it is temporary.
you look great-- dont be too hard on yourself! I have seen you both not pregnant, and you're right! you're built the same, and I hate you both! (Just kidding :). Remember, this too shall pass!!!
All 3 of you are beautiful! Don't worry, you look great! Just remember, this is your last pregnancy. and you will lost the weight in no time!
oh my goodness! You are tiny!!! Are you kidding?! You can compare yourself to me. I gained 52 lbs when I was prego with Gracie...nearing the 200 lb mark. You are TINY!!!
You're adorable preggo. :) You should keep posting pics.
Cam! What the heck are you talking about? You are beautiful and always better at style and about everything else than I am!!! Anyway, I get to be skinny EVERYWHERE--you try wearing silicone cups in your bra in the middle of August and see how happy that makes you feel! I love you to death, just the way you are!!
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