Since I'm taking his picure he's very confused as to whether he's actually still in trouble or not.
I swear.. This kid could survive on on his three favorite foods and never feel like he was missing anything. Hotdogs, cheese, and strawberries.
He asked me for a slice of cheese. So I cut him a piece and then I don't recall what happened, but I was called away from the kitchen before I could put the cheese away.
So Aaron went to town with the knife and everything.. I know.. I count my lucky stars he didn't hurt himself. Shame on me for leaving the knife out. But, for heavens sake, look at the cheese!

What confused me after sending him to time out was where all the cheese went. I expected to find a bowl or cup full of all the cheese he had cut off the block, but all I could find were some little crumbs on the floor.
I asked Noah about the missing cheese, after all, he was the one who reported to me, "Mom, there's a huge cheese mess in the kitchen."
So about the cheese, Noah says, "Oh Aaron ate it."
"He ate all that Cheese!?"
Great. Well, I guess if Aaron has problems in the bathroom it will be like a second punishment.
I love the time out picture, too cute! What can I say about the cheese?! I guess you've got to eat what you LOVE! I hope he dosen't get a tummy ache.
Gotta love CHEESE...I remember last time Brady got a knife he slashed my living room furniture...
It's so funny that he ate it all...gave me a good laugh!
Way to go Aaron! I already thought you were awesome after peeing on the slide - this just makes it even better.
LOL! Cam, I always look forward to your great stories about your kids! My girls are the same way (in the cheese dept) they could eat an entire block by themselves! That picture is too hilarious.
Poor Cheese block I think Aaron won! Kids are great arent they! They keep our worl going round!
Jeff is a cheeseaholic. I have to put him in time out for eating to much cheese. :) Just teasing, but he too loves something about cheese. I love the picture of the mutilated block.
You are just too funny with the stories of your children! I'm getting a belly ache just thinking of all that cheese!
Although if it was chocolate........
WOW He must really like Cheese! Lucas likes to steal my cheese when I am shredding it for something I am cooking, he just waits til I walk away and eats it by the handful!
LOL!!!! This is so funny!!!
Too cute. This needs to be a layout!
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