Today I finally had the time to go pick up the acrylic and get the album cut. I'm posting a picture of the album, against my better judgement... After the whole fiasco with Clear Scraps stealing my house shaped album template right off eBay and manufacturing it as their own design, I've been hesitant to post any of my designs. I don't like that I feel the need to do this also, but, um.. for the record... This template design is my original design and is copyright Camille McClelland 2008...

OH! I can't wait to see how this one turns out...I want to see it in person...It's adorable!
The shape of that album is great. Can't to see it finished and listed with your quilt.
I love the design! Have you thought about cutting a dog shaped acrylic album?
super cute! i love it!
I wanted to tell you, that if you upload your videos onto the website:, they give you the html code that you need to cut and paste and then just put into a regular post. Then your video is there. Clear as mud? :) I'd love to see the potty singer :)
Cam, that is darling! I can't wait to see it all together. And I'm so sorry again about all of that fiasco with the stealing. I can't even imagine the extent of frustration! Good for you for moving on and pushing through it all :o)
cute!!! and just for the record your comment on my blog totally made me laugh!
And sorry your stuff got ripped off. not fun.
You're so talented... I'm constantly amazed. I wanted to tell you that I thought your baby shower announcements for Callie's sister were adorable. I wish I could just live inside your head for a few hours! As tempting as it is, and I promise you it is, I won't steal your ideas, just promise to keep sharing them with the rest of us!
Cam love your ideas. I cannot wait to see the design. I love all your work. I promise not to steal. I have enough of my own ideas. It is really revealing of those that must steal from others. Bad character.
Hey Cam, please please make me one! I have no idea where to start with acrylic albums but this is just gorgeous! I have to have one! email me ;)
This is SUCH a great idea, I would love to have a blank one to decorate for Katelynne! Can't wait to see your auction in the challenge!
Cuteness. :)
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