Took this picture this morning...
I am so ready for some lovely warm sunshine, flip flop sandles and shorts. Where, oh where is spring??
For a completly different topic, yesterday I went to McDonalds with my friend Mandy and Kristi. They are two of my lovely PFOP friends I met through eBay. We had a play date for our kids, and socialization hour for us moms. It was great. These gals are so much fun. Here are some highlights from the day:
First, we're all just chatting away and Mandy suddenly calls out, "Brayden! What are you doing??" We turn and look, and her little 3 yr old son is sitting with another family eating an ice cream sunday. It was so hilarious! I guess before we arrived he came walking up to Mandy with some other kids drink. Mandy swears she feeds her kids.

Then about an hour later Aaron is standing at the bottum of the slide. You know the pose, every child does it. Straddling the slide, with one foot on each side of the slide, hanging onto the top rim. So he's just standing there, and suddenly I see a LONG yellow stream of urine running out one pant leg, down the slide, and onto the floor. Lovely. It was so stinking funny though. He'd clearly been holding it for a while. So we cleaned up the slide and I took Aaron home... Mandy and Kristi were still laughing as Aaron did his little straight-legged waddle out of the restaurant.
What a fun and memorable day!
Now, on another completely different note, Jennica read her first book yesterday. She needed some prompting from me for sight words like "My" that can't be sounded out, and with some of her letter sounds, but she did it! I'm so proud of her!
ha, ha, ha,.... fun times!
So I have to say I'm totally jealous! I want to come and play too! I have been having withdrawls since I left the group. I miss the interaction! Anyway, those stories were hilarious! Also, if you are aching for a little sunshine and warmth, come down my way :o) It's about 78 right now..ahhh! You're welcome anytime ;o)
yeah no kidding! I was so mad at the snow! Sounds like you had a great time with friends!
Snow!!?? In Caldwell there was no snow. Just sun and very cold wind. Crazy!
I just love this story about McDonald's, makes me laugh everytime I see it, and I wonder what kind of things Lucas will do to embarrass me when he gets older!
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