Tuesday night was Kindergarten graduation.
Graduation was scheduled to start at 7 pm, and by 6:30, when we arrived, we got the last 3 available chairs. The room was packed, with standing room only, by 6:45, and by 7:00.. well forget it...
At 7:00 the school principle discoved the batteries in the mic were dead... so finally at 7:10 the gradutaion got under way.
There were about 100 kindergardenters. They sang some cute songs, and we watched a video presentation of all the kids, then they got their advancement certificates.
Afterwards we all headed out to ice cream. We were out late and so the kids didn't get to bed till about 10 pm.
Today is Noahs last day of school. In typical fashion, we were late for the bus. I did manage to snap a few pictures of Noah, while he was running backwards on the way to the stop.
The last bus ride to school for second grade!
My kids make me so happy!
LOL! That first picture of her in her graduation just totally cracks me up! You can totally see her personality :o) How fun!
So sweet...
Hi, I just wanted to say that I am very flattered that you like my designs so much that you bade your blog background and banner using I Dig My Garden, just a tiny little note though, (please dont take this as I am mad or anything lol because I am sooo not) when you use someones designs to make a blog, banner, or anything you need to make a permanent note either under the banner or at the bottom of the page crediting what kit you have used and who the designer is! (just in case anyone who likes your blog knows who to go to if they want to use it too!
Again your blog is adorable, and thank you for liking my designs enough to use them!
Xandra Martin Designs
Love Jennica in braided pig tails! So cute!
Sorry about that Cam, I just added the 'blog papers courtesy of' page element on the side. I'm acutally suprised I forgot to do that, as I've been trying to be better about that lately. Oops! Anyway, it's fixed :o)
Jen looks so grown up in that photo. Doesn't time fly!!!
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